Sunday Morning Glory-
LIFEQUEST is proud to offer two impactful corporate worship services at 9 a.m.-9:45 a.m. (Express Service) and our Sunday Morning Glory at 10 a.m. We celebrate communion and baptism each 1st Sunday morning at both services. Our attire is casual but respectful. Our atmosphere is one of praise and adoration stressing the pursuit of holiness, sanctification, and a lifestyle after church that is rich with compassion to the lost and a desire to please our Savior.
The Hour of Empowerment-
Our popular and well attended mid-week service is every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Community Feeding-
Each Wednesday, a dedicated team of 10 volunteers prepare fresh hot meals to serve an average of 150 people each week at places such as the Heartside, Senior Center, alternative education high schools, and even some factories. During the COVID19 Crisis, the LIFEQUEST family fed each via local small businesses to help local small businesses and those in need of a hot meal.
Saturday Morning Prayer-
LIFEQUEST believes in the power of prayer; thus, we advocate and maintain a dedicated time for corporate prayer each Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Our prayer time also offers a brief meditation for those looking for prayer and "a Word" to finish or begin their week. We have seen MANY healing miracles of all sorts on our campus. We stand on Matt 6:33,1st Thessalonians 5:16,1 Peter 3:12, and 1 John 5:15.