About us
join us every sunday
at 10 am
Statement of faith
We are a ministry that promotes: "Keeping the main thing, the main thing by constantly
advocating that men and women" seek ye the kingdom of heaven first, and his righteousness."
and all these things shall be added unto them, these things being: spiritual maturity, natural
health, financial abundance, and nurturing family life.
We are a compassionate, Bible-based ministry, not a hub for programs and giveaways. It
advocates life-changes based on a total performance ministry approach (mind, body, and
soul) that reaches out to all people races, gender, and socio-economic statuses. Many
of those that are connected to LIFEQUEST are "unchurched" or disconnected from the faith
community but working their way into spiritual wellness through a more intimate relationship
with Jesus Christ. Many have fallen between the cracks of life and programs and are outside, or
disconnected, from the immediate reach of the various programs throughout Kent County.
our Staff

Jerry Bishop
Senior Pastor
Denise Bishop
First Lady
